Minutes from October 2022 meeting

Minutes from October 2022 meeting

Pacific Northwest Recumbent Cyclists In person and Zoom meeting was held Wednesday October 19, 2022

Attendees in person at Edna’s house were Riki, Lonnie, Edna, Dave, Barbara, Chuck, Margaret and Neil Crockett. Via Zoom were Bob Parker, Keith Caravelli, Charles Synder, Randy Allen, Randy Anderson, Kathrine Myers, Jon Brazelton, Sylvia Halpern, Keith Kohan, Paul Heijn, and Rick Gorton.

Introduction of our updated web site by Kathrine Myers:

Check it out: to find it type in OHPV.org OR RecumbentRetreat.org – will give you PNWR Pacific Northwest Recumbents and PNWR Recumbent Retreat.

Kathrine has updated the website making it simpler and easier to find out what rides are happening, who are the officers of the club, and other information about recumbents. It is still a work in progress, other content and photos will be added.

Edna would like everyone to check out the updated site, and let her know what you like, what you don’t like, what you would like included (in the future) and what you think needs to be fixed. There is a link for the Facebook page Pacific NorthWest Recumbent Cyclists (formerly OHPV). Rides will be listed both on the web site and the Facebook page.

Rides being planned: this Sunday October 23, Raindrop Dodging Bagel Ride to Jazzy Bagel. Edna is just getting riding again after hand surgery so she and Riki will be doing a shorter ride to Jazzy Bagel; if interested in a shorter ride, let her know.

Saturday October 29 Let’s Watch the Witches on the Willamette (bring your brooms along) (events posted on Facebook and added to the website ride calendar).

Sylvia gave a report on CycleCon that she attended and spoke at.

A suggestion was made to include some informal talks at the Recumbent Retreat. Possibly on Friday night.

Respectfully submitted,


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